Barengi Gadjin Land Council has announced that the Ranch Billabong will be topped up tomorrow (Friday) following on from the return of water to it last December.

They have said that the pump starting most likely midday or early afternoon.

This flow should use up most of the allocated 20 megalitres for the Billabong, of which less than half was put in last year due to issues with the pump - which reduced the time available to pump in the water.

The Land Council said that while there is no formal event planned, Wotjobaluk people are welcome to come down and see the watering in action.

"It’s very satisfying and healing to see water flowing into the Billabong!" they said.

For more information about the project to return water to The Ranch, you can read the story we ran in the lead up to the return of water to the billabong in December or the wrap up of the event.