The Victorian Government’s free LED light globes scheme has been put on hold amid concerns around its door-to-door nature.

The Victorian Energy Upgrade program – a legitimate scheme delivered by a range of businesses with the backing of the Government, and the oversight of the Essential Services Commission – can see people go door-to-door to offer light globe replacements.

The idea behind the scheme is to assist residents to replace power-hungry incandescent and halogen light globes (which may consume up to around 100 watts) with energy efficient LED globes, many of which consume less than 20 watts, to reduce the energy required to light our homes – with both cost and emissions reductions positive side effects.

A number of concerned residents contacted Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy, who followed up on the current status of the scheme with government contacts.

It was announced on Monday that the scheme has been put on hold, a decision that many have suggested should have been taken when the first round of COVID-19 restrictions was imposed in March.