The Dimboola Art Inc. committee has had a big three years developing the old Dimboola Hotel site into Tower Park, and they got together earlier this month to celebrate this achievement and to hold their Annual General Meeting.

The past secretary of the Tower Park Project Sub-Committee of Dimboola Art Inc, John Nichols, submitted this report of the gathering.
The committee met in the Bim Reid Room at the Victoria Hotel for a meal before the AGM for what was a special occasion to celebrate three years of very intensive ongoing construction, which also required further fundraising to raise an additional $100,000 to add to the initial Pick-My-Project funding of $200,000 - which clearly was never going to be enough.

We felt it was important to celebrate what we have achieved with the near completion of Tower Park, which was officially opened on 11th March 2023 - seven months ago. Tower Park is now roughly 95% completed.

Following the celebratory meal, the AGM was held.

President Angela Walker welcomed all present and thanked everyone for coming on the night and for being part of our group. Together, we have made awesome achievements.

Angela then presented her Chairperson’s Report:
President’s Report - Dimboola Art Inc

What an incredible year. Tower Park opening has been a highlight not only for our group but for the entire community, and we can finally get to use this space as was intended. The town finally has a meet-up, event and contemplation area for all.

No one is an island, and this year has been the culmination of the amazing volunteers in this group who have seen our dreams come to fruition. Thank you so much to Graeme Schneider for his ongoing support with the park.

There have been so many generous donations of funds, in-kind support and time given willingly, for which the Dimboola Art Inc. are truly grateful. There are too many to mention, but they know who they are.

I thank our committee for all your support and efforts. I can’t express enough gratitude for all the committee has done. A special thanks goes to Nicko and Jo for their total dedication to this group. Everyone involved is very appreciative. Another special thank you goes to Chan and Jamie for their contributions to putting Dimboola on the map with amazing events and markets and helping maintain the park. Thanks for the ongoing support of Vice President Deb and Amanda, who have contributed so much over the years. The artistic contributions of Deb, Lou and Tom have been outstanding. The project manager, Al, is to be commended for his involvement and vision for the site. Thank you also to Stoph, Meran and Danni for developing and applying for the Pick My Project Grant 5 years ago. The winning $200,000 covered around two-thirds of the total costs to construct our fabulous Tower Park. Tracey’s brilliant documentary of the Dimboola Hotel, from before it was lost twenty years ago, has inspired us to keep going when the going got tough.

The list of contributors and their involvement over five years, with the actual construction taking around three years, and seeing the project come together is huge and very much appreciated.

As this year draws to a close, there is not much left to be completed. Interpretive signage, maintenance decisions, Tom’s sculpture & the original tower sculpture, garden seating and laying the Round 3 pavers are the main tasks yet to be completed.

I will be stepping down as President, and thank you all again. I wish everyone all the best.
Jo Donnelly then presented the Financial Report.

Election of Office Bearers:
  • There were no nominations for the positions of President, Vice President or Secretary.
  • Jo Donnelly was reelected Treasurer
  • Committee elected were Tom Fax, Al Griffiths, Amanda Ingeme, Deb Moar, Nicko, Meran Pilmore, Stoph Pilmore, Chan Uoy and Angela Walker. Tracey Rigney and Lou Simpson were also nominated, subject to their acceptance.
  • Jo will also be the Principal Contact person/Acting President of the new Committee.
Following on from the very intensive three-year construction phase, the new committee will be stepping back/“hibernating”. No meetings will be held, apart from the 2024 AGM. All communication will be via email, with the focus being the completion of the six projects outlined at the end of Angela’s President’s Report. The recently formed Dimboola Progress has offered to assist the DAI.

This will now mean that Dimboola Art Inc. can now return to becoming the Art-focused group it was when it was first formed in 2013, when it was set up by a group of artists to run an Art Show on 10th November, 2013. The Dimboola Art Inc. again warmly invite anyone who would like to join Dimboola Art Inc. to become involved in any way to contact us, via any Committee member for further information.

Purchasing the Tower Park site was also discussed. There are different options on the table that need to be explored and then considered further.

The status of the six projects remaining to complete Tower Park were all discussed at the General November Committee Meeting, which followed the AGM:
  • Pavers Round 3: This closed some time ago when the total reached 100 sales. It then had to be re-opened for a further month, as the number of pavers required for free delivery has now changed to 120. All paver form orders have now been transferred to the company-supplied spreadsheet, which was proofread three times and submitted to Design A Brick Sales. The proofs have been received back and checked - all were good. Payment was approved, and we are now expecting our order back in 4 to 6 weeks. The laying of the pavers will be late in 2023 or early in 2024. Update as of Sunday, 19th November: our pavers have been made and will arrive late this week or early next week. They will definitely be laid this year!

  • Interpretative Signage: This will be paid for by two grants, each worth $2500 from the Murra Warra Wind Farm and the Department of Science and Technology (Federal Government). This has been in the hands of our selected graphic designer, Pink Lake Creative, for a few months now. The first half needs to be completed by the end of December 2023 - this part of the funding completion report process.

  • Sculpture as part of Lloyd Street fence this at the early design phase. Tom hopes to get much further into this once harvest is over.

  • Original piece of Dimboola Hotel tower: We have a piece that will be added somewhere at the rear - watch for a future update, or watch Tower Park.

  • More Seating: has been obtained and will be added 677.

  • Maintenance Decision: As Tower Park is on private property, it is not cleaned or maintained by the Shire or anyone else. Please assist by not leaving any rubbish, and feel free to help pull weeds out of the gardens and lawns. Maybe a small group of volunteers could be formed to take on some or parts of these tasks.