Hi everyone, at our recent council meeting, we passed our 2024-2025 draft budget. This will be available for public consultation and input at various upcoming meetings and drop-in sessions over the next few weeks and also online at www.haveyoursay.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au. This also includes our renewed farmer consultation meetings.

Also passed was our intention to apply for our usual adjustment to the Melbourne Cup public holiday, applying for alterations to Rainbow (Tuesday 15th October) and Nhill (Thursday 17th October), these dates will coincide with their towns shows to enable maximum patronage. Dimboola and Jeparit shows will be held on the weekend (Dimboola - Saturday 19 and Jeparit - Sunday 20) so they will observe the normal cup day holiday being the first week in November.

We celebrated National Volunteer Week recently in our four towns by hosting early morning breakfasts. These were well supported on the whole by our volunteers whose efforts in our communities are very much appreciated.

Men’s Health Week is from Monday 10 to Sunday 16 June. Hindmarsh Shire and West Wimmera Health Services have teamed up and will be hosting the movie Just A Farmer at the Nhill Memorial Community Centre on Wednesday 12 June from 7 pm, followed by supper and guest speakers. I encourage as many as possible to attend this event, even if not to arm yourself with the tools to identify changes in family and friends’ behavioural patterns or to self-assess any personal issues within oneself.

We are getting closer to the October 2024 Council elections, if you have thought about running for Council I encourage you to attend the Nhill Memorial Community Centre on Wednesday 14 August from 6:00 pm when Hindmarsh Shire is hosting the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Stand for Council. Further information is available on Council’s website under upcoming events.

Please take care and that’s all for now.

Cr Brett Ireland