Hindmarsh Shire Council is making an application for funding to make some upgrades to the Dimboola swimming pool.
In 2023, Hindmarsh Shire Council commissioned aquatic engineering reports on the condition of all four pools within the shire. The combined reports show that a significant amount of work and funding is required to keep the pools within Hindmarsh operational.
In recent years, funding has only been available for change room upgrades and the pools themselves have been considered council maintenance budget responsibility. However, after effective lobbying from many councils and other bodies – since 2024, the Regional Community Sports Infrastructure funding guidelines have included outdoor aquatic facilities, including pool shells, as an option for funding.“This is a fantastic opportunity for the Council to capitalise on the State Government Funding by making [a] small cash contribution of 25% of total project cost.”
- Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay Dimboola Swimming Pool meets the criteria for this funding most strongly out of all four Hindmarsh pools as it has nearly 50% more attendance than the next pool (Nhill) and has an engineering report that best supports a pool shell replacement and wet deck conversion. With swimming pool entry now being free of charge, utilisation is likely to increase significantly. Dimboola Pool was also ranked as a medium to high priority in the Community Action Plan 2024-2028 that was developed by the community and adopted by Council in February 2024.
The funding is only available for the upgrade of existing or the creation of new facilities that are likely to serve a larger population.
Council is proposing to apply for this grant to undertake the following works at the Dimboola Swimming Pool -- Wet deck conversion to the pool
- Installation of a balance tank and in pool hydraulics.
- Filtration upgrade to meet Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requirements.
- Crack and expansion joint repair
- Construction of all abilities access ramp.
Hindmarsh Shire sought funding for the Dimboola Swimming Pool upgrade under round 1 of the Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund (RCSIF) with an unsuccessful outcome, but at the Council meeting on 18 December 2024, the Council resolved to make an application under Round 2 of RCSIF for the Dimboola Swimming Pool upgrade with the total project cost up to $1.1 million and made a commitment of $275,000 as Council contribution.How to support this project -
Council’s grant application will be strengthened through demonstrated community support for the project.
Council is encouraging the community to show their support by completing a
Community Support Response Form that is available on Hindmarsh’s Have Your Say website.
Council will be holding two drop-in sessions where members of the community can pop in to ask Council Officers questions about this grant application and Council’s proposals. These will be held -
Thursday, 30 January 2025, at the Dimboola Library from 10 am to 1 pm.
Thursday, 30 January 2025, at the Dimboola Swimming Pool from 2 pm to 5 pm.