The centenary of the World War One Armistice was observed at a number functions around the Dimboola area this weekend.
Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
The staff and students of the Dimboola Memorial Secondary College gathered in the forecourt of the Memorial building at the College at 11 am on Friday morning for a brief service.
Led by newly appointed school captains Rebekah Albrecht (below), Mitchell Jorgensen and assistant principal Sally Klinge, each made a brief presentation covering the Origins of Remembrance Day, The End of the Great War and the significance of Why a Red Poppy.

The town’s service was conducted at the same location at 11 am on Sunday morning when over 60 people assembled to witness the laying of wreaths and to hear local R.S.L. Sub branch president Ivan Jones give a brief presentation about the end of World War One.
Wreaths were laid on behalf of the R.S.L. Sub branch, the Dimboola Memorial Secondary College and the Hindmarsh Shire.
Top - Wayne Myers (Left) and Ivan Jones of the Dimboola sub-branch of the R.S.L.
It was also announced that after consultation between the Dimboola R.S.L. Sub branch and the College, all future Remembrance Day services will be conducted at this location, rather than at the R.S.L. clubrooms which has been the location for such services in recent years.
The memorial tablets, listing the names of locals who served in both World Wars and Korea, are in the process of being refurbished, with Charles Rees recently repainting all of the lettering, and in the near future a number of corrections will be engraved into the stone.
A crowd of more than 80 people attended a ceremony at the Antwerp Hall at 2.30 pm on Sunday to witness the unveiling of the long awaited World War One honour board.
This corrected an oversight that has seen it take one hundred years for a list of locals who volunteered and served in that War to be publicly displayed.
Descendants of many of those named on the new board were present, along with many members of the local community.
Ann Jensz led proceedings, and Dale Conway from the Dimboola and District Historical Society made a presentation outlining some of the history of those honoured.
Don Daniels (below) from the Dimboola sub-branch of the R.S.L. performed the unveiling of the new board which complements the one that has adorned the wall of the hall for many years listing local World War Two servicemen.